1. A concise explanation of the problem you’re experiencing.
Curious as to whether anyone else has noticed this. We recently upgraded to 1.52 from 1.5 and noticed the cesium canvas constantly looks dull, as though there is a transparent dark layer on top. It also effects the billboards, and as an experiment we changed the billboard colour to white, colour picker reads this colour as #D1D1D1
To clarify, this effects the entire canvas and not just the billboards. White billboards are just a quick way to visualise the problem.
2. A minimal code example. If you’ve found a bug, this helps us reproduce and repair it.
I think the color changes are related to the new HDR rendering, which allows colors to be in a broader range, which then get tonemapped before being displayed. So if something was already in the standard range it might have been dulled by the tonemapping
You can turn it off by setting the boolean on the scene:
Thanks for the reply, but it doesn’t seem to be effected by HDR rendering being set to false,
Interestingly I have just opened our application/the sandcastle on an old computer (OSX 10.10.5 safari 10.1.1, Intel HD Graphics 6000) and the white shows as white with HDR being on or off. It would make sense that HDR rendering was not supported on the older machine, but changing the boolean does not change the appearance on current hardware/browsers.