Cesium for unreal- Crash Google API error

Hi all,
So I’ve been working with cesium for unreal during runtime and i get the following error at times which causes my editor to crash:

UnrealEditor_CesiumRuntime!std::basic_string_view<char,std::char_traits >::_Xran()
UnrealEditor_CesiumRuntime!ACesium3DTileset::Tick() [D:\build\U5M\Sync\LocalBuilds\PluginTemp\HostProject\Plugins\CesiumForUnreal

I also get the following error when i hit the quota limit:
Received status code 429 for tile content…

So my question is are these errors both to do with Google Maps API timing out? If so how would i go about performing a check within unreal(runtime) to see if the API is valid and the tile sets are available before i attempt to load them?

Thanks in advance for helping me out.

Hi @Minnakan, welcome to the community!

Please see here for details about the crash and how to fix it:

As you mentioned, the 429 errors are caused by hitting the quota limit for use of the API. There’s currently not a good programmatic way to see that this is happening.

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