Cesium moon is in wrong location in editor, but correct in packaged app

I’ve been working on a project using Cesium Moon for a while now and at some point the Cesium moon terrain started to center the moon at world origin, meaning my georeference is at the center of the moon along with the other objects in my scene. The weird things is that it shows up fine in builds, exactly how it should.

My scene is set up with moon terrain, following the official guide here, and I have masked out part of the tiles using a cartographic polygon and placed my own heightmap terrain there. The georeference is set to the correct coordinates and I have double-checked the setup.

I found that removing/re-assigning the Ellipsoid data asset assigned to the CesiumGeoReference actor fixes the issue temporarily, but when I close/open Unreal Engine the Moon is in the incorrect spot again. I’ve confirmed that the Ellipsoid data set has the correct values. Creating a new Ellipsoid data asset has the same outcome.

I’ve also tried deleting all the Cesium assets in my scene and setting it up again following the guide closely, but that has no effect.

I have a couple of levels in my scene as well, if that matters. Unfortunately I cannot recall exactly when this stopped working, or what major changes I might have done that could have caused this to happen because I likely caught this after it had already been occurring for a couple of weeks.

Any clues as to what could be causing this or how to fix it?

Hi @Villitz,
I’m not sure what might cause that. Is there any chance you can provide us with a project that demonstrates the problem? With that, we can debug it and hopefully get to the bottom of it pretty quickly.

Hello, @Kevin_Ring, and thanks for the reply.

After facing this issue for over a month it seems to have fixed itself, oddly.

I am not sure what it was that fixed it. I updated the Cesium plugin to the newest version for Unreal 5.4, however the issue with the terrain was still present when I opened it afterwards. Later, while troubleshooting an unrelated Git issue, I deleted the project’s .git folder and initialized a new Git repository in the project folder. I then deleted all the intermediate folders from the base directory and from the project plugins (Binaries, Intermediate, DerivedDataCache), I regenerated the VS project files and let the project rebuild itself when I opened it. I pushed the newly created local Git repo to a newly created empty remote repo, and when I opened the project again the Cesium Moon terrain was in the correct spot once again.

I am not sure if any of those steps are even what fixed the issue or if I inadvertently did something else that fixed it, but thought I would share in case someone else find this useful in the future.

I have a backup copy of the project that I will investigate to see if I can nail down the underlying issue. I’ll share it here if I do. Unfortunately, I cannot share the project itself due to NDA.