Cesium Release Roundup

Happy spring! New Cesium releases are available:

  • The official Cesium for Unity v1.0.0!
  • Cesium for Omniverse v0.4.0
  • Cesium for Unreal updated for Unreal Engine 4.27, 5.0, and 5.1—it will be updated for only 5.0+ going forward.
  • Starting with CesiumJS 1.104, the readyPromise pattern has been deprecated across the API to facilitate better asynchronous flow and error handling.

More highlights and downloads are on our blog:

In case you missed them, we also published these blog posts in March:

New Cesium releases are available:

  • CesiumJS 1.105 adds ArcGisMapServerImagery.fromBasemapType, and ArcGisBaseMapType, and ArcGisMapService for ease of use with the latest ArcGIS Imagery API.
  • Cesium for Unreal 1.25.0 now requires Unreal Engine v5.0 or later and adjusts how credits are shown.
  • Cesium for Unity 1.1.0 improves performance and fixes bugs.
  • Cesium for Omniverse 0.5.0 fixes flashes when materials and textures are loading.

More highlights and downloads are on our blog:

In case you missed them, we published these blog posts in April:

New Cesium releases are available:

  • CesiumJS 1.106 fixes label background rendering.
  • In UE 5.2, Cesium for Unreal 1.27.0 can be used inside the Unreal Editor on Linux and has native support for Apple silicon processors on macOS.
  • Cesium for Unity 1.3.0 has important bug fixes and usability improvements for missing textures, extraneous camera rotation, and more.
  • Cesium for Omniverse 0.7.0 sets better default values when loading glTFs with the KHR_materials_unlit extension.

More highlights and downloads are on our blog:

It’s been a busy month! In case you missed them, we published these blog posts in May:

New Cesium releases are available:

  • CesiumJS 1.107 adds Cesium3DTileset.cacheBytes and Cesium3DTileset.maximumCacheOverflowBytes to better control memory usage.
  • Cesium for Unreal 1.28.0 adds a workaround for an apparent bug in Unreal Engine 5.1 that prevented collisions from working with Cesium3DTilesets.
  • Cesium for Unity 1.4.0 adds the OnTileGameObjectCreated event to Cesium3DTileset to modify tiles after they’re loaded.
  • Cesium for Omniverse 0.8.0 has been updated for Kit 105 (USD Composer 2023.1.0 or above).
  • In 3D Tiling Pipeline 4.6.0, imagery-tiler is now 30% faster on average.

More highlights and downloads are on our blog:

Many new hires, user stories, Photorealistic 3D Tiles tutorials, and more. In case you missed them, we published these blog posts in June:

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New Cesium releases are available:

  • CesiumJS 1.108 fixed an issue where terrain with multiple layers was loading higher LOD tiles inconsistently.
  • Cesium for Unreal 1.29.0 and Cesium for Unity 1.5.0 improved support for caching Photorealistic 3D Tiles.
  • Cesium for Omniverse 0.9.0 has been updated for Kit 105 (USD Composer 2023.1.0 or above).

More highlights and downloads are on our blog:

In case you missed them, we published these blog posts in July:

New Cesium releases are available:

  • CesiumJS 1.109 added two additional default imagery providers from Stadia maps to the BaseLayerPicker widget: Alidade Smooth and Alidade Smooth Dark.
  • Cesium for Unreal 1.30.0 fixed a bug that could cause higher-detail tiles to continue showing when zooming out quickly on a tileset that uses “additive” refinement.
  • Cesium for Unity 1.6.0 added support for Universal Windows Platform (UWP), which is required to build applications for the Holo Lens 2.
  • Cesium for Omniverse 0.10.0 improved error message if fetching tileset fails and added basic point cloud support.
  • 3D Tiling Pipeline 4.6.2 improved tiler performance throughout all pipelines when working with gzip compressed data, most notably in imagery-tiler, which is now up to 50% faster.
  • Cesium ion Self-Hosted 0.5.0’s imagery tiling is now up to six times faster.

More highlights and downloads are on our blog:

In case you missed them, we published these blog posts in August:

New Cesium releases are available:

  • In CesiumJS 1.110, worker files are now embedded in Build/Cesium/Cesium.js and Build/CesiumUnminified/Cesium.js.
  • Cesium for Unreal 1.31.1 added support for Unreal Engine 5.3. Plus Cesium for Unreal v2.0 coming soon!
  • Cesium for Unity 1.6.3 made Cesium for Unity compatible with versions of macOS back to 10.13, consistent with Unity’s compatibility in its 2021.3 release.
  • Cesium for Omniverse 0.11.0 reduced the number of materials created when loading untextured tilesets.
  • In 3D Tiling Pipeline 4.6.4, support for CentOS 7 has been deprecated.

More highlights and downloads are on our blog:

In case you missed them, we published these blog posts in September:

New Cesium releases are available:

  • Cesium for Unreal 2.0 is here!
  • In CesiumJS 1.111, BingMapsImageryProvider.fromUrl now takes an optional mapLayer parameter which is a string that maps directly to the mapLayer template parameters specified in the Bing Maps documentation.
  • Cesium for Unity 1.6.4 adds “Google Photorealistic 3D Tiles” to the Quick Add panel.
  • In Cesium for Omniverse 0.13.0, changing certain tileset properties no longer triggers a tileset reload.
  • Cesium ion now includes Photorealistic 3D Tiles.

More highlights and downloads are on our blog:

In case you missed them, we published these blog posts in October:

New Cesium releases are available:

  • CesiumJS 1.112 fixed terrain lockups in requestTileGeometry by ensuring promise handling aligns with CesiumJS’s expectations.
  • Cesium for Unreal 2.1.0 significantly improved tile download performance, particularly for Google Photorealistic 3D Tiles.
  • In Cesium for Omniverse 0.14.0 added support for EXT_structural_metadata. Property values can be accessed in material graph with the cesium_property nodes.
  • The new Reality Tiler for 3D photogrammetry and reality models is part of 3D Tiling Pipelines included in Cesium ion and on-premises products.

More highlights and downloads are on our blog:

In case you missed them, we published these blog posts in November:

New Cesium releases are available:

  • CesiumJS 1.113: vertical exaggeration can now be applied to any 3D tileset
  • Cesium for Unreal 2.2.0: added support for multiple Cesium ion servers
  • Cesium for Unity 1.7.1: bug fixes
  • Cesum for Omniverse 0.16.0: bug fixes
  • Cesium ion: the new “Bing Maps Labels Only” asset makes it possible to add labels and roads on top of unlabeled imagery

See all the release highlights and downloads on our blog: Cesium Releases in January 2024 – Cesium

And in case you missed them, we published these blog posts in December:

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New Cesium releases are available:

  • CesiumJS 1.114 includes several improvements to interaction with 3D Tiles.
  • Cesium for Unreal 2.3.0 adds support for Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) with CesiumWebMapTileServiceRasterOverlay.
  • Cesium for Omniverse 0.17.0 has several breaking changes for globe anchors, imagery layers, and tilesets.

More highlights and downloads are on our blog:

In case you missed them, we published these blog posts in January:

New Cesium releases are available:

  • CesiumJS 1.115 added support for I3S Building Scene Layer.
  • Cesium for Unreal 2.4.0 significantly reduced CPU memory used by glTF and raster overlay textures.
  • In Cesium for Unity 1.8.0, feature IDs and metadata are now parsed through the EXT_mesh_features and EXT_structural_metadata extensions respectively.
  • Cesium for Omniverse 0.18.0 improved tile streaming performance by 35% by switching to UrlAssetAccessor from vsgCs.
  • Cesium ion’s imagery tiling is up to 5x faster.

More highlights and downloads are on our blog:

In case you missed them, we published these blog posts in February:

New Cesium releases are available:

  • CesiumJS 1.116 fixed issue with BingMapsImageryProvider where given culture option is ineffective.
  • Cesium for Unity 1.9.0 added support for Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) raster overlays.
  • Cesium for Omniverse 0.19.0 added scrollbar to main window UI.
  • Cesium ion now has optional 2FA and updated Cesium OSM Buildings.

More highlights and downloads are on our blog:

In case you missed them, we published these blog posts in March:

New Cesium releases are available:

  • CesiumJS 1.117 adds ClippingPolygon and ClippingPolygonCollection for applying multiple clipping regions, with support for concave regions and inverse clipping regions, to 3D Tiles and Terrain.
  • Cesium for Unreal 2.5.0 adds support for Unreal Engine 5.4.
  • Cesium for Unity 1.10.0 adds support for Cesium ion servers in single user mode.
  • Cesium for Omniverse 0.20.0 fixes missing button for adding imagery from Asset UI.
  • Cesium ion now includes an integration with Sketchfab, and 3D Tiling Pipeline 4.7.1 provides Point Cloud Tiler fixes.

More highlights and downloads are on our blog:

In case you missed them, we published these blog posts in April:

New Cesium releases are available:

  • CesiumJS 1.118 adds support for glTF models with KHR_materials_specular, KHR_materials_anisotropy, and KHR_materials_clearcoat extensions.
  • Cesium for Unreal 2.6.0 adds support for Instanced 3D Meshes (I3DM) and the glTF EXT_mesh_gpu_instancing extension.
  • Cesium for Unity 1.10.1 updates cesium-native from v0.35.0 to v0.36.0.
  • Cesium for Omniverse 0.21.0 fixes point cloud styling.
  • Cesium ion updates include the clipping feature, significant improvements to the CityGML and KML/COLLADA tiling pipelines, and Japan 3D Buildings.

More highlights and downloads are on our blog:

In case you missed them, we published these blog posts in May:

New Cesium releases are available:

  • CesiumJS 1.119 adds Ellipsoid.default to allow a central place to specify a default ellipsoid value to be used throughout the API where an ellipsoid is not otherwise specified.
  • Cesium for Unreal 2.7.0 and Cesium for Unity 1.11.0 add support for custom non-WGS84 ellipsoids.
  • Cesium ion updates include Reality Tiler 2.0.0, Self-Hosted 1.2, and Vexcel 3D Cities data.

More highlights and downloads are on our blog:

In case you missed them, we published these blog posts in June:

New Cesium releases are available:

  • CesiumJS 1.120 adds Transforms.computeIcrfToMoonFixedMatrix and Transforms.computeMoonFixedToIcrfMatrix to compute the transformations between the Moon’s fixed frame and ICRF at a given time.
  • Cesium for Unreal 2.7.1 improves collision and line tracing against tilesets by working around an overly aggressive degenerate triangle check in the Chaos physics engine.
  • Cesium for Unity 1.11.1 includes bug fixes.
  • Cesium ion updates include Cesium ion Self-Hosted 1.3.

More highlights and downloads are on our blog:

In case you missed them, we published these blog posts in July:

New Cesium releases are available:

  • CesiumJS 1.121 enables MSAA by default with 4 samples; this smooths jagged edges for increased visual realism.
  • Cesium for Unreal 2.8.0 adds universal (Intel and Apple Silicon) binaries for Unreal Engine 5.2. Unreal Engine 5.3 and 5.4 already had universal binaries.
  • In Cesium for Unity 1.12.0, Editor and Player builds both now require macOS 10.15+.
  • Cesium for Omniverse 0.22.0 supports using non-WGS84 ellipsoids.
  • Cesium ion updates include the AECO Tech Preview Program, Cesium Moon Terrain, and linking and copying for Cesium Stories.

More highlights and downloads are on our blog:

In case you missed them, we published these blog posts in August:

Happy autumn! New Cesium releases are available:

  • CesiumJS 1.122 added CallbackPositionProperty to allow lazy entity position evaluation.
  • Cesium for Unreal 2.9.0 added SampleHeightMostDetailed function to Cesium3DTileset, which asynchronously queries the height of a tileset at a list of positions.
  • Cesium for Unity 1.13.0 added a new CesiumCameraManager component.
  • Cesium for Omniverse 0.23.0 fixed a bug where tilesets and raster overlays were not being passed the correct custom ellipsoid
  • Cesium ion updates include Reality Tiler performance improvements and more.

More highlights and downloads are on our blog:

In case you missed them, we published these blog posts in September: