Cesium Release Roundup

New Cesium releases are available:

  • CesiumJS 1.124 adds an integration with the iTwin Platform to load iModels as 3D Tiles.
  • Cesium for Unreal 2.11.0 adds support for Unreal Engine 5.5.
  • Cesium for Unity 1.14.0 adds a “From Ellipsoid” option to Cesium3DTileset to generate a tileset by tessellating the surface of the ellipsoid, producing a simple globe tileset without terrain features.
  • Cesium ion updates include Reality Tiler improvements, plus the Design Tiler and Cesium ion for Autodesk Revit Add-In coming soon.

More highlights and downloads are on our blog:

In case you missed them, we published these blog posts in November:

Happy New Year! New Cesium releases are available:

  • CesiumJS 1.125 expands the integration with the iTwin Platform to load GeoJSON and KML data from the Reality Management API.
  • Cesium for Unreal 2.12.0 removes support for Unreal Engine 5.2. Unreal Engine 5.3 or later is now required.
  • Cesium for Unity 1.14.1 fixes a bug that could cause a crash on AppDomain reloads.
  • Cesium ion additions include the release of the Design Tiler and Cesium ion for Autodesk Revit Add-In, annotations for Cesium Stories, and updates to the Reality Tiler and 3D Tiling Pipeline.

More highlights and downloads are on our blog:

In case you missed them, we published these blog posts in December:

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New Cesium releases are available:

  • CesiumJS 1.126 adds ITwinData.loadGeospatialFeatures(iTwinId, collectionId) function to load data from the Geospatial Features API.
  • Cesium for Unreal 2.13.1 adds CesiumUrlTemplateRasterOverlay, allowing a raster overlay to be added using tiles requested based on a specified URL template.
  • Cesium for Unity 1.15.1 handles exceptions in either C# or C++ code more reliably.
  • Cesium ion updates include Cesium OSM Buildings and the Google geocoder.

More highlights and downloads are on our blog:

In case you missed them, we published these blog posts in January: