CesiumJS 1.124 adds an integration with the iTwin Platform to load iModels as 3D Tiles.
Cesium for Unreal 2.11.0 adds support for Unreal Engine 5.5.
Cesium for Unity 1.14.0 adds a “From Ellipsoid” option to Cesium3DTileset to generate a tileset by tessellating the surface of the ellipsoid, producing a simple globe tileset without terrain features.
Cesium ion updates include Reality Tiler improvements, plus the Design Tiler and Cesium ion for Autodesk Revit Add-In coming soon.
More highlights and downloads are on our blog:
In case you missed them, we published these blog posts in November:
Happy New Year! New Cesium releases are available:
CesiumJS 1.125 expands the integration with the iTwin Platform to load GeoJSON and KML data from the Reality Management API.
Cesium for Unreal 2.12.0 removes support for Unreal Engine 5.2. Unreal Engine 5.3 or later is now required.
Cesium for Unity 1.14.1 fixes a bug that could cause a crash on AppDomain reloads.
Cesium ion additions include the release of the Design Tiler and Cesium ion for Autodesk Revit Add-In, annotations for Cesium Stories, and updates to the Reality Tiler and 3D Tiling Pipeline.
More highlights and downloads are on our blog:
In case you missed them, we published these blog posts in December:
CesiumJS 1.126 adds ITwinData.loadGeospatialFeatures(iTwinId, collectionId) function to load data from the Geospatial Features API.
Cesium for Unreal 2.13.1 adds CesiumUrlTemplateRasterOverlay, allowing a raster overlay to be added using tiles requested based on a specified URL template.
Cesium for Unity 1.15.1 handles exceptions in either C# or C++ code more reliably.
Cesium ion updates include Cesium OSM Buildings and the Google geocoder.
More highlights and downloads are on our blog:
In case you missed them, we published these blog posts in January: