Compile CesiumForUnityNative

Hello! I couldn’t find<DotNet/CesiumForUnity/Cesium3DFileset. h>when compiling CesiumForUnityNative. How can this be generated


I assume you’re following the Developer Setup guide in the Cesium for Unity repository. First, make sure you’ve published Reinterop using this line:

dotnet publish Reinterop~ -o .

Click on the Unity editor to make sure it compiles the new code. Then, to actually make Reinterop generate files, you have to make a small edit to one of the files in the Cesium for Unity package. For example, you can open ConfigureReinterop.cs in Packages > Cesium for Unity > Runtime, and just add a line break. This will prompt Reinterop to generate the files.

Thank you. We solved this problem according to the above method and completed the compilation work. But I encountered the following problem when opening the sample project with Unity.

Assuming you compiled the native code correctly, simply restarting Unity should fix those errors.