Converting SketchUp city model to Cesium tileset


We have a big model from an architecture firm depicting a whole section of a new part of the city and we’d like to use this model in our Cesium viewer. As the model is really big we need some way to convert it into a format which can be used. We have looked into exporting the model as COLLADA but as we understand it – even that format will be too heavy.

Is there any way to convert our model to a proper 3D Tileset for use in the viewer?

Thank you,

Hi Jonathan,

When you say you’ve looked into exporting the model as COLLADA, do you mean just one large .dae file or using KML/COLLADA (several .dae files with one or more .kml files containing the models’ locations and other metadata)? It’s true that a large model may not be able to be tiled, but the KML/COLLADA approach is usually a good way around that if your software allows for that kind of export.
