Distorted 3D geometries only in specific area


I send you guys this message because we are having some issues with a Layer that we have uploaded into Cesium ION (ID 853104)

For some reason, the geometries of some 3D models that we upload into Cesium ION appear distorted.

This only happens in a small specific area but in others the geometries are displayed correctly. That’s a single layer.


We can not what the error could be since we uploaded all the models in the same way and this had not happened to us before.


Hi @vtomaspe10,

Thank you for reaching out to us with this issue. This issue looks familiar - have you shared this with our community in the past?


Hi @sam.rothstein I did but nobody repplied. I detailed the issue a little bit more in this new one and provided a proper title which the old one didn’t have


Hi @vtomaspe10,

Understood :+1:

Are you viewing this data using CesiumJS, Cesium for Unreal, or Cesium for O3DE?

The next step would be to verify that the 3D models only appear distorted in the Cesium product.


Hi Sam,

We are viewing this data using Cesium JS. We just upload it into Cesium ION as a GML file and this issue only happens in a specific area.


Hi @vtomaspe10,

Okay great! Can you please send over a sandcastle demo that showcases this distortion?


Hi @sam.rothstein

You can see the distorted polygons in this Cesium ION asset ID: 891579

If you zoom in to these coordinates to check the specific area that is affected: 40.098749, -3.832847

If I upload a separate Cesium ION asset layer with only the polygons withing this specific area, they are visualized OK, without any distortion, but when we upload the full polygon layer, is when the distortion appears.


Hi @vtomaspe10,

Can you please send over a sandcastle demo that showcases this distortion?

Cesium Sandcastle
