Hello, I’m curious to know if it’s possible to attain the same level of texture quality in my project as seen in this comparison between Google Earth and Cesium, without exhausting my daily Google quota. I am looking for an optimal number to adjust in the settings to enhance the texture quality. This issue has been discussed previously, and I’m interested in finding out if there has been any resolution since then. And it would be great to know if I can also include the labels as seen on google earth, to let our users easily identify what they are looking at. Thanks for your assistance.
Accidentally found a solution by turning off Cesium ION Roaster overlay in the inspector. What that option is even for? Will it affect performance later?
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A raster overlay lets you drape tiled 2D images over a tileset. It’s commonly used with Cesium World Terrain (which is untextured) in order to add satellite imagery from Bing Maps. It makes almost no sense to add that raster overlay to Google Photorealistic 3D Tiles. I suspect you started with Cesium World Terrain and changed the asset ID, thereby leaving the raster overlay in place, rather than using the Quick Add panel to add a new Google Photorealistic 3D Tiles.