i had load tianditu sucessful ,but i connot load amap;
or load baidu map;
the amap api address is :https://lbs.amap.com/api/javascript-api/reference/wms
I’m not familiar with any of those services, but if you explain what happens when you try to use them, perhaps I’ll have some ideas about what is going wrong.
the sample for given :
var map = new AMap.Map('container', {
zoom: 9.6,
center: [121.456493, 31.252764]
var wms = new AMap.TileLayer.WMTS({
url: 'https://wmts-service.pre-fc.alibaba-inc.com/amap/service/wmts',
blend: true,
blend: true,
tileSize: 256,
params: {
'LAYERS': 'map:shanghai',
VERSION: '1.1.0'
url:string :
Layer: '0',
Format: 'image/png'
how to wrap it like bing map
I’m going to reference bing map to wrap AMap.
give some suggestion for wrap,please
You’ll need a base terrain layer, like Cesium World Terrain. Then you’ll need to add a WebMapServiceRasterOverlayComponent to it, configured with at least the URL and layers properties from your sample code. Give that a try and let me know how it goes.
1 About amap
You can just simply set the BaseURL of the CesiumWebMapTileServiceRasterOverlay component of the Terrain in Cesium for Unreal to access the amap services. The BaseUrl has various of values according to different maps. One example for Satellite imagery is:http://webst01.is.autonavi.com/appmaptile?style=6&x={TileCol}&y={TileRow}&z={TileMatrix}
For more details, please visit: Cesium for Unreal 加载高德地图 - 哔哩哔哩
2.About baidu Map
I have no idea how to load baidu map in Cesium for Unreal for now.
WMTS failed to load imagery - Cesium for Unreal - Cesium Community
See the solution.