How to load maps offline

Thanks for you help! And about offline data where can I find tutorial, I wanna know what offline data is Is supported

A tutorial about loading local data has just been added to the website:

Regarding the type of offline data: The short answer might be that it supports the same tileset types as it does for online data, with some more details being in the changelog at , but maybe I misunderstood that question (for example, if the question referred to imagery data or so).

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Please make it compatible with Maya! Maya and Unreal play well togather!

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We have plans to put the local cesium world terrain data onboard an aircraft as part of our own avionics suite! sent an email to support with regards to particulars. Looking forward to this!

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How can i add arcgis map or google map to the ureal? not only bingmap

The ability to download/package data would be amazing and essential for those of us producing video-content. So far I haven’t been able to record a smooth video out of UE4 using Cesium because the streaming tiles popping in are always visually distracting. If I could preload or download a set area of a map at the highest level of detail and then fly a camera through it without it having to stream in; that’d be ideal. Thank you for this great plugin!

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We need to have some areas offline for our flight simulator - it would be disastrous to have a flight simulation session with test pilots and Flight Test Engineers and officials and then suddenly the simulation breaks because there’s internet connection or bandwidth trouble.
Please make 3DTiles from Ion available offline, of course this would be a PRO feature that we would be willing to pay for.


I have a flight simulation in advanced Beta testing now, and some of our end-users have low bandwidth connections. Each restart of the map requires time and data consuming reloading of terrain and imagery. While the ability to move freely over the entire planet is a nice-to-have, most of our customers will be happy to stay within a 50 mile square tile. I would like to be able to package terrain and imagery data for predefined locations, to allow our title to be run where high speed networked data is not available.

Tom Low
The Free Flight Experience

Hi @Cloudhopper3,

I realize I’m dodging your deeper issue here a bit, but for repeated restarts where the camera stays in a relatively confined area, the data should all be pulled from the local cache on disk rather than downloaded over the network. Have you not observed that to be the case?


I have not noticed this behavior. If I unplug from the network, nothing appears in my simulator except the custom items I have placed in the scene. Such repeated reloading of the same terrain geometry is exactly the scenario I would like to streamline. Is there an option somewhere I have missed?


If you disconnect the network entirely, Cesium for Unreal won’t be able to authorize against ion, so you’ll get nothing. This authorization is never cached, by design. But geometry and texture data that you’ve visited before should be. Currently, up to 4096 “items” are cached on disk, where an item is a single 3D Tiles, terrain, or raster overlay tile.

The reason I’m dodging your deeper issue, though, is that I don’t have an answer. It’s not a technical problem but a legal one. But maybe I can help you get to a partial solution from the technical side.


I appreciate your help exploring options for my customers. What are the issues with having a local server for providing cesium terrain and Bing image tiles? Is there a license option that would permit some portion of the terrain to be copied and stored locally?


Downloading Bing tiles for offline use is against Microsoft’s terms of use. It’s also currently against the Cesium ion terms of use to do the same with Cesium World Terrain (though that one we can control directly, at least). As Shehzan mentioned above, we’re working on it. We’d love to find a solution on the Bing side too, of course.

Are offline mapserver (Image/terrain) map capabilities still unavailable? @Kevin_Ring I saw your earlier post about you are missing the ActorComponents to directly access TMS or other Image servers. You also mentioned that cesium-native already has support and it is just a matter of exposing to cesium for unreal and you would welcome a pull request. What do you mean by a pull request? Anything we can do to help move this capability along?

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Cesium for Unreal is open source, and hosted on GitHub, so it uses the typical workflow on GitHub where folks outside of the core team can make and propose changes to the code. Proposing changes to the code is in the form of a “pull request”, i.e. a request for us to pull your changes into the official version of Cesium for Unreal. I looked around for a decent tutorial on this, and this one looks pretty good, but there are countless more:

Detailed documentation from GitHub is here:

So the general idea is that you would follow your developer setup instructions (cesium-unreal/ at main · CesiumGS/cesium-unreal · GitHub) to build and run a local copy of the plugin, make some changes, push those changes up to GitHub in a fork, and then open a pull request with those changes. We’ll review them, likely propose some changes, and eventually merge your code into “main”, which is the official Cesium for Unreal branch and the one that we’ll ship the next version from.




Has there been any updates, i.e. has anyone entered a pull request or has Cesium decided this has enough requests (complaints? :grinning:) to warrant adding this functionality. It seems that there are may people that have this same need to keep their imagery and terrain sets proprietary.


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Support for a Tile Map Service (TMS) raster overlay is now available in the Unreal Editor. Other service types are of course possible, but not implemented yet.

I’m not sure I understand your point about keeping imagery and terrain proprietary, though. Datasets uploaded to and tiled by Cesium ion are private to your account and will not be shared with others without your permission.



Hi Kevin,

Great to know that TMS raster overlay is now possible. I’ll give that a whirl.

Some people have company specific rules on where their data is saved and how it’s used/viewed. Having an asset on another server can be seen as a security issue because the company is not maintaining custody of the asset.

The other issue is not having internet connectivity. There are a lot of situations where the internet is either really slow or non-existent, so using the Cesium server isn’t the best option. These are dependent on everything from location of the work site to working in an environment that has no internet access.


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Hi Brian,

That makes sense. We do offer offline tilers for those situations, in case that helps.

I would like to challenge a bit your claim that using Cesium ion isn’t “maintaining custody of the asset” though. There are super-strict rules in some cases, of course, but in many cases companies don’t host their own data in their own data center anyway. So they’re still trusting a cloud provider or similar to host the data. Hosting with Cesium ion requires a certain level of trust of Cesium, no doubt, but I don’t think it’s fair to equate it with giving up custody of the data.

And when you use Cesium ion, it is a big part of what enables us to do all this open source work. :+1:



Hi Kevin,

An off line tiler would be great. My focus is to try to get in the earth geometry and the rasters images into UNREAL. I will need to make changes to the raster images. I need to be able to do this with having all the data local in case my worksite has little to no internet connectivity.

I don’t set the security rules. It’s the environment I have to work in. In some cases I can use Cesium Ion. My current project can use it. But in a year or two, that’s not going to be the case when it’s deployed to a different work location.


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