I published a DEM data to Cesium Ion, and the terrain appears as a plateau rising from sea level

I published a DEM data to Cesium Ion, and the terrain appears as a plateau rising from sea level.
I have processed the data in QGIS. I used the raster calculator with the expression ("dem_converted_int@1" > 2000) * "dem_converted_int@1" to complete the processing. Then, I used the command gdal_translate -a_nodata 0 -of GTiff dem_qgis.tif dem_qgis_nodata.tif to set the 0 values as NoData. After viewing the converted dem_qgis_nodata.tif in QGIS, I confirmed that the original 0 values have been changed to NoData, and the black border around the original DEM has disappeared.
thank you!

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Hi @Yong_Shao, welcome to the community!

I’m going to move your post to the Cesium ion forum, because it seems to be a question about ion rather than Cesium for Unity. Let me know if I’ve misunderstood.

To make a first attempt at answering your question, though… what did you choose as a base terrain when you uploaded the DEM to Cesium ion? Cesium ion will blend with the base you select, so if you selected Mean Sea Level, then the plateau effect is expected behavior, I believe. Maybe you can tell us more about what you were hoping would happen?