Imported Photogrammetry Performance Issues

Requested to be posted here by Kevin_Ring, thanks for your help btw.

When working with a photogrammetry capture tool, I find the performance of the captured tileset post-ion processing is very bad, much worse than the Melbourne photogrammetry asset for example, on a dataset that is a much smaller size. My suspicion is perhaps that the LOD settings of the capture tool don’t behave in the way I assume, however I don’t know how to confirm this as I am newish to ion and the capture tool inner workings seem pretty opaque. Could anyone suggest how to improve performance on the tileset? Or on a much broader scale, point me in the direction of a tool that would work better?

The capture tool in question is found at:

As a disclaimer, I know this captures data that is not to be used for commercial gain etc. This is for a proof of concept project I am working on which is not to be sold. I also have seen this tool referenced in these forums before.

Other notes: my asset ID of interest is 1152918, size is 582 MB, tiled in 3D Tiles format. The original data files as I remember were mostly PNG files. Performance slowing can be seen in both the My Assets viewer, as well as in Unreal Engine 5, my eventual destination for this. Anecdotally, when comparing the Melbourne Photogrammetry with my tileset in the Assets viewer, it seems as though the former is much smoother when transitioning closer to the model, and LOD levels can be clearly seen ‘snapping’ in. On my tileset, no LOD levels can be seen, and the rendering appears to be popping in by random squares.

Yes I think this is unfortunately a violation of Google’s terms of use, whether it’s for commercial gain or not.

But one thing that jumps out at me is that those instructions say to choose “3D Model” while uploading to Cesium ion. I think “3D Capture” is likely to be much more suitable for this kind of model. Have you tried that?


Did not notice a difference between the two but came to a performance resolution as described here Perfect tool for getting photogrammetry and testing - #12 by whackjite

Final update because it wasn’t entirely true. When using model that was tiled as 3d Capture, it appears the model is loaded prior to entering the scene in Unreal, which was better for me than using the 3D Tiles model, which loaded on approach, after the scene was already started. This worked better for my approach because it minimized stutters while moving my camera actor closer to the tileset.