[KMZ convert to gltf, renders differently from what's in Google Earth]

Hi everyone,

When .kmz file converted to .gltf file, it renders differently (missing details) from what’s in Google Earth (see attached images). Could you please help to figure out what caused the problem? Thanks.

Here are the conversion steps:
(1)Change .kmz file to .zip file (.kmz file is attached)
(2)Drag and drop to http://cesiumjs.org/convertmodel.html to convert it to .gltf file

Thank you very much!


HooverDamtunnelsdetailed.kmz (2.82 MB)

Hi Xi,

Thanks for providing the model. This is most likely a bug in the SketchUp COLLADA exporter or the COLLADA-to-glTF converter. Either way, I suspect we can fix it in the COLLADA-to-glTF converter. I submitted issue #342 for this. We’ll try to get a fix soon.

In the meantime, there is a simple workaround. In the glTF file, I removed 3042 from the states array in technique0 and technique1. I attached a screenshot and the modified glTF file.


HooverDamtunnelsdetailed.gltf.zip (2.42 MB)

Hi Xi,

This is a bug in the SketchUp COLLADA exporter (Google Earth must implement a workaround). We’ll add a workaround to the COLLADA-to-glTF converter. In the meantime, the easiest fix is to change the 0.0 in the “transparency” part of the .dae file to 1.0 before converting the file:


We’ll followup here when the workaround is ready.


Hi Patrick,

The transparency thing worked for me. Thanks for the above fix. If the model referencing any images the tool is unable to convert the model to glTF.


Hi Gowtham,

If the COLLADA file is references images, make sure to also select those files when dragging and dropping onto the glTF converter?

Or are the images referenced with a url to a server?



Hi Xi,

The online converter should work with this model now: http://cesiumjs.org/convertmodel.html

Thanks again for the report!
