Hello, im working on a project and the objective is to generate the earth with cesium without internet connection, so by using an url in the cesium3dTileset, but my question is, do you know where i can found a tileset.json file in order to show the whole earth with good resolution like yours in online mode ?
“with good resolution like yours”? No, definitely not. The Cesium World Terrain dataset is measured in terabytes, and the Bing imagery is measured in petabytes. There’s no way you can achieve that resolution with data stored locally.
You can license Cesium’s global datasets (minus Bing Maps Aerial) for offline or disconnected use:
You can also create your own. There are no easy step-by-step instructions for that, but essentially, you need to source some elevation and imagery for the world, or at least the area you’re interested in. For elevation, there are a number of free sources available. The list of sources for Cesium World Terrain may be a good starting point:
Imagery tends to be more challenging, particularly at high resolutions. But the Sentinel-2 and Landsat satellites collect whole-Earth imagery and are freely (if not easily) available.
Then you need to process the datasets into tiled formats optimized for streaming. The Cesium ion tiling pipelines can be licensed for offline use, and are the easiest path here.
There is no hard limit on the size of a 3D Tiles tileset. A well-structured tileset can efficiently scale to terabytes or even petabytes.
You can contact our sales team for licensing options:
Using an offline/disconnected tileset in Cesium for Unity isn’t much different from using the online one. Just point the Cesium3DTileset component at the appropriate URL or local file path.
Currently Cesium for Unity only supports URP and HDRP. I think we will be able to support built-in with only a small change, though, so let me know if that’s important to you.
If you were to license Cesium World Terrain, that would be the full resolution dataset and it will occupy several terabytes. It’s not possible to license the entire Bing Maps imagery tileset, and even if you could that would be on the order of a petabyte. But you can license the Sentinel-2 imagery, which is a lower-resolution (approximately 10 meters), world-wide tileset. I’m not sure of the size of that one offhand, but it may easily be another terabyte or more. If your end-user systems have that kind of disk space, then it’s possible to load them locally. Most users find it more convenient to load the datasets from a closed network rather than copying them to every client machine, though.
Hi, thanks for this answer, first, yes the built in is needed for us for several things.
Then, the license will just give me a tilest.json file or ? I’m not sure to understand what the license will give me, i can license Cesium wolrd terrain and Sentinel2-imagery from you ?
And do you know how much time the sale team will take to answer me ?
I have an other question, is that possible to spawn like a sphere into the scene ? because i am not able to spawn it and move it due to the size of the earth, my sphere just disappear.
And i just want a confirmation, it is not possible to represent the earth without world terrain or Sentinel-2 imagery ?
yes the built in is needed for us for several things.
Can you elaborate? My understanding is that Unity is recommending against use of the built-in render pipeline at this point.
Then, the license will just give me a tilest.json file or ? I’m not sure to understand what the license will give me, i can license Cesium wolrd terrain and Sentinel2-imagery from you ?
If you license those datasets, you’ll get everything you need to use those datasets. tileset.json and tiles for Cesium World Terrain, and tilemapresource.xml plus images for Sentinel-2.
And do you know how much time the sale team will take to answer me ?
No, sorry.
I have an other question, is that possible to spawn like a sphere into the scene ? because i am not able to spawn it and move it due to the size of the earth, my sphere just disappear.
You’ve lost me. Sure, of course you can create spheres in Unity. Can they be as big as the Earth? I haven’t tried, but I don’t see why not.
And i just want a confirmation, it is not possible to represent the earth without world terrain or Sentinel-2 imagery ?
What would you have displayed if not real Earth data? If you just need a sphere with a small-ish Earth texture to view from afar, you probably don’t need Cesium for Unity.
Thanks, i will clarify, i want tot stay in built-in because the thing is, i create an atmosphere in order to put it around the earth, the problem is, it does not work in urp and i have no idea why, i took all yesterday to solve it but i failed. ( i will send you picture).
I’m talking about the sphere because i use it to put atmosphere on it, then i put it around the earth.
Thats what we have in our project, we just want to have an earth with better resolution, as you can see there is a blue atmosphere which is like that without earth :
We’ve noticed that URP doesn’t work well when the ratio between the far and near clipping planes is more than 100,000:1. When you go outside this ratio, it seems to clamp the far plane so that it is 100,000 times the near plan, ignoring whatever you entered. So if you near plan is too close, it’s possible your atmosphere is being clipped by the far plane.
That’s just a guess off the top of my head, but maybe it’ll help.
You have to manually upgrade your materials to URP first. I’m seeing purple icons on your materials which mean they haven’t been / can’t be upgraded. See the Unity documentation for more instructions.
I also wouldn’t be surprised if there were slight differences between built-in and URP variables, so you may have to resolve some compiler errors.
As a last resort, can you check if there’s a valid Universal Render Pipeline asset in Project Settings > Graphics and Quality? Otherwise, I’m not sure how else to advise This is a problem that many Unity users face when trying to upgrade built-in pipeline shaders / materials.