Hello Kevin,
I installed the latest version from GitHub:
CesiumForUnreal-54-v2.10 (+ for UE5.2 & UE5.5) but still get the dreaded
“LogHttp: Warning: Reached threaded request limit (100)” to the power of “y”
@Rickideee have you perhaps increased the Maximum Simultaneous Tile Loads limit on your Cesium3DTileset or one of your raster overlays? By default, the limit is 20, and we set Unreal’s total limit to 100 via configuration file (cesium-unreal/Config/Engine.ini at v2.10.0 · CesiumGS/cesium-unreal · GitHub). So we shouldn’t be triggering that message, unless you either have a lot of tilesets/overlays, or you’ve changed the request limit from its default.
I should have thought of that and then looked in the right place for the user error. Set the Maximum Simultaneous on Google 3D Tiles to 99 and all perfect.
I am using Google 3D Tiles only, I always get hundreds of yellow warnings. There are 2:
“LogHttp: Warning: Reached threaded request limit (100)” whenever I move in the UE5.4 editor interspersed with a few:
“LogNavigation: Warning: FNavigationOctree::AddNode: Empty bounds, ignoring CesiumGltfPrimitiveComponent /Game/ArchVizExplorer/Maps/cesium.cesium:PersistentLevel.Cesium3DTileset_1.CesiumGltfComponent_54284.CesiumGltfPrimitiveComponent_0.”
I restarted the project and on load received >10,400 of the first error + interspersed with the occasional second error. This repeats whenever I move in the editor viewport as well as in Play mode.
Token check was fine. Refreshed the Google Tile Set and the errors repeated…
(I have attached a screenshot of my G3DT settings FYI)
Hi @Rickideee, I understood from your previous message that you had resolved the “threaded request limit” warnings by reducing the number of simultaneous requests. But your latest message perhaps indicates otherwise? Can you clarify?
The long message starting with
" Hi I get another crash - right after clicking play - on the tick of the Cesium3DTileset …"
is from from Nabster on the thread: Cesium for UE 5.5 release date - #9 by Rickideee
which was also resolved for me.