[maybe bug]About use unreal built in plugins >SQLite< open multiple exe will crash

1.open SQLite plugins
2.packaging a windows exe
3.open multiple exe you will see the FatalError Window
open crash reporter you will see the problem

so :sob:
I need some help :sob: :sob: :sob:

Just as a short pointer: This is a known issue, and is currently investigated in In Shipping builds, Cesium for Unreal ends up using UE's SQLite, causing crashes ยท Issue #245 ยท CesiumGS/cesium-unreal ยท GitHub

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thank you for reply :grinning:
Iโ€™ll follow up with this issue

This issue should be fixed as of the 1.3.0 update. For more information, please see this post.

If you are still experiencing issues after updating, please let us know!