Multi-line labels - any ideas?

Hi there,
I was wondering if there is any way to create multi-line labels in CZML (or javascript) ?

I know that I can create many labels and play with their position or offset to make it look like one multi-line label. This sound inneficient to me, and since I want to display many multi-line labels, its a bit of a hassle.

Any other creative ides? Is this feature on the roadmap ?

Your findings on multiline labels are correct. I’ve seen/heard this requested before and started a branch to add this functionalty ( . After some cleanup and unit tests it’s possible that it could make b24, b25 otherwise.


Sounds great.
Sorry for the ignorance, but how do I run it, do I have to build Cesium?
I downloaded the files from github, but was unable to run it in sandcastle, like I do with the original files.

Yes, Cesium must be built from source. From the top of the Cesium source tree, type:

Tools/apache-ant-1.8.2/bin/ant build

Also, instead of the word “build” you can use “combine” (for unminified Cesium.js), “minify”, or “release” (full docs etc).

For more info, read the Getting Started blog post.


Has this functionality been implemented in an official release yet? If not, are there any plans to include multi-line labels in a future Cesium release?

I just submitted to track this feature. We don’t have support for it yet and it’s not on anyone’s short term radar. If anyone is interested in working on it, we are always happy to accept external pull requests. Unless I’m mistaken, this shouldn’t be too hard of a feature to add. See the issue for details.