New Cesium-GWT Release 0.1.1

Thanks to Mark Erikson for significant contributions and improvements made in this new release. Mark and I filled out several additional classes and methods, and made some improvements to the basic implementation style. This new release changes a few APIs from our previous 0.1 release, but Java compile-time checking should help you find any required changes very quickly. Some of the new capabilities include the ability to draw new shapes (box, polygon, polygon outlines, circles) and extrude them (make 3D solid or translucent shapes), improved camera controls, callback handling for "picking" primitives (e.g., to click on an extruded circle--a cylinder drawn vertically from the Earth's surface--and get a callback to tell you what you clicked), more input events (we now support but have not fully tested touch events), more Imagery and Terrain providers, methods to adjust imagery colors (e.g., saturation, brightness), Materials handling, some CZML support, and some SkyBox support!

I recently created a subpackage called "sandcastle" to start to capture samples that mirror the Cesium JavaScript sandcastle demos. I've started with a couple that show off some of the newer capabilities, such as extruded polygons, improved camera controls, and scene morphing.

You can see the samples running here:

And you can take a look at the samples here:

An interesting comparison (for example) is to look at the Polygon example from Sandcastle and Cesium-GWT Sandcastle:

Or check out for another interesting comparison.

Great progress, thanks for the update. Let us know if you ever want to write a guest post about this on the Cesium blog.



Absolutely. That would be great. I could include a few screenshots of my own use cases, a small amount of sample code showing the integration with a GWT (GXT in this case) app, and a couple of paragraphs or so on the patterns and practices used to implement the GWT-JS bridge for Cesium APIs.

If this sounds good, let me know when you think would be a good time frame.



Rich, please email me at to coordinate the blog post. We’d love to have it up this week if possible.



Josh - Rich already contacted me. I will forward you the info.
