Object removel on Cesium js or Cesium Ion?

hi everyone, just wanna know if there is anyway or tools to do 3D tiles editing on cesium ion or cesium js. for example, removing objects from uploaded point cloud and 3D mesh model. thanks

Hi @sky_tam,

Welcome to the community! :grinning: :astronaut: :rocket:

I recommend checking out our 3D Tiles styling specification to learn more about 3D Tiles editing at runtime.


Hi Sam,

Thank you so much. I went through the 3D tiles styling links, I might miss out some thing or understand them wrong, what mentioned there are styling on separate tiles. But say if I have a 3D tiles set which is a street block containing buildings, trees and cars, how can I style the blocks for these objects. Or is there a tileset editor to do tiles objects segmentation or classification in cesium?



Hi @sky_tam,

Thank you for your follow-up question! If your tileset of a street contains metadata about which parts of the tileset represent buildings, trees, cars, etc. then you may be able to style them accordingly. However, if this is not the case, then you will likely have to apply a singular style to the entire tileset.

We currently do not have a dedicated tileset editor. The vast majority of the tileset styling that we support in CesiumJS occurs at runtime using our API and our 3D Tiles styling language.
