We’ve just published a blog post welcoming our two GSoC students for this year: André Nunes and Ravi Agrawal:
Welcome to both of you! Everyone can read more about their summer projects in the post, and join in the conversations as they build their projects here on the dev list.
Finally, thanks to everyone who submitted a proposal. We would have loved to accept more, but we were limited to two slots this year, since we’re new to the GSoC program.
I’m really happy to know that I was accepted, I would like to thank everyone who contributed to this outcome. I will get in touch with my mentor Matt and begin designing and discussing my project in the mailing-list. I’m really thrilled with this opportunity, it’s like a dream come true and I will do everything in my power to enjoy and gain the most from this experience.
A word of encouragement to those who weren’t accepted, don’t give up, keep contributing to Cesium and participating in the community. I’m sure you’ll have better luck next year!
Terça-feira, 28 de Maio de 2013 15:33:43 UTC+1, Scott Hunter escreveu: