I am displaying 75,000 points on an animated 2d map (so all of them are visible).
They start as with 0.01 opacity. As time goes on, points will be set to full opacity and then fade back down to 0.05 opacity. They are currently stored in a single PointPrimitiveCollection.
I’m trying to squeeze out any performance enhancements I can. The docs mention that PointPrimitiveCollections should only have points in them that are updated on the same frequency. My current setup has updates of 2 frequencies, but 3 states (pre: 0.01 opacity; during animation: multiple opacities; post: 0.05 opacity).
So my question, would dividing the points into 2 or 3 PointPrimitiveCollections speed things up enough to outweigh what I presume is slow, the searching of 75,000 points each animation frame to move a point from one collection to another? Is there another way to think about this?