The Dynamic Pawn actor that we need to use because the Floating Pawn doesn’t work, doesn’t seem to allow the following step you say to use in resetting
the location of the Dynamic Pawn to be in Chicago to match the OSM Buildings layer you want us to use.
You’re help in getting this figured would be much appreciated.
Thank you
When you set the Georeference origin, the Editor camera will jump there immediately. However, the FloatingPawn will adjust itself so that maintains its previous location on the globe in spite of the change in origin. If you would like to start in Chicago when you press Play, click the FloatingPawn in the WorldOutliner and set its Location to (0, 0, 0).
Roger Stermann, Owner - Operator Spectrum Drone & Imaging Services
I redid the tutorial and this time the Dynamic Pawn world outliner details showed the variable fields that let me locate the pawn at 0,0, 0.
So not sure what I did in the prior effort that didn’t bring up those variable fields.
From: Roger Stermann Sent: July 11, 2021 7:15 PM Subject: Question: Dynamic pawn location Step 7 part 3 of Cesium into Unreal Quickstart tutorial
Hi Support,
The Dynamic Pawn actor that we need to use because the Floating Pawn doesn’t work, doesn’t seem to allow the following step you say to use in resetting
the location of the Dynamic Pawn to be in Chicago to match the OSM Buildings layer you want us to use.
You’re help in getting this figured would be much appreciated.
Thank you
When you set the Georeference origin, the Editor camera will jump there immediately. However, the FloatingPawn will adjust itself so that maintains its previous location on the globe in spite of the change in origin. If you would like to start in Chicago when you press Play, click the FloatingPawn in the WorldOutliner and set its Location to (0, 0, 0).
Roger Stermann, Owner - Operator Spectrum Drone & Imaging Services
The CesiumGeorefernce is set to the lat/long of Sydney, Australia and when in Edit mode I double click DynamicPawn it shows me the DynamicPawn object hovering over Sydney. Great.
But when I hit the Play button I’m in the middle of nowhere. If I set the DynamicPawn 0,0,0 I’m still in the middle of nowhere. I’m not in Sydney.
If I try to set the DynamicPawn to 0, 0, 0 while in edit mode nothing happens. I can’t edit those values unless I’m in Play mode.
I really just want to be able to fly around Sydney in play mode. Surely there’s an easy way to make this happen.
Thanks for reporting this. This is not intended behavior and I’ve created an issue to track it here.
While the team works to resolve this, you can move the Dynamic Pawn in either of these ways:
You should still be able to move the pawn using the Transform gizmo in the viewport (dragging the arrows to adjust position.) This might be suitable if you need to move the pawn a short distance.
To reset the pawn to the world origin, you can copy the values of the Georeference Origin from the CesiumGeoreference actor (longitude, latitude, and height) and paste them on the Globe Anchor component of the Dynamic Pawn.
@Jude_Osborn, let me know if the second solution (copying the geographic coordinates from the georeference origin to the dynamic pawn’s globe anchor) doesn’t work for you. In that case, there may be something else going on with your scene.
As far as I can tell the Globe Anchor component is already set to the same lat/lng as Georeference. See these screenshots. Well, they are slightly off, but not by much.
Or am I misunderstanding?
UPDATE: I tried going through the tutorial again with a new project, but same results.
Yeah, it looks like this isn’t an issue with the coordinates of your Dynamic Pawn in this case. My first thought is that your level is spawning a new Dynamic Pawn actor when you run the level, and that spawned pawn is possessing the player. You can test this out by running the level in Play-In-Editor mode. Once the scene is running, pause the game (without stopping play) and take a look at the Details panel. Is there an additional pawn in the level now?
Also, can you double-check that your Dynamic Pawn is set to Auto Possess player 0? This setting can be found in the Details Panel by searching “auto possess”.
Hi all… I know this is a little bit older of a post but it’s relevant to what I am trying to do…
I have a situation where at runtime I am determining where to place my Georeference.
I also have in my scene a Dynamic Pawn.
I would like my Dynamic Pawn to travel WITH my Georeference at runtime.
In C++, is there a way to reassign the location of the Dynamic Pawn to be at the same location as my Georeference?
At design time, I have a geo ref location set. I can set the DynamicPawn at that location.
However, at RUNTIME, I am repositioning my Cesium Geo Reference object to a new lat/lng/alt location.
I need to be able to tell the DefaultPawn to reposition to this same new location as well, but it’s not doing it automatically, nor do I see any functionality to set it to a new location. Even the transform is hidden from me in C++.
I figured out a solution. I used the DynamicPawn’s FlyToLocationLongitudeLatitudeHeight. I used Cesiums GeoLocation origin as the FVector to fly to and specified a flight time of .1 on the blueprint itself. By the time the sun exposure is done fading out, I’m where I need to be.