Terrain (converted from LAZ) keeps disappearing off screen

Hi, apologies if this has been covered before - I couldn’t see anything already there

My terrain has coordinates not in lat/long but I just want to inspect it in the viewer / move it to a sensible location on the earth

However as soon as it finishes rendering it flies off the screen in both the preview window and in the fullscreen viewer

Centring on the asset doesn’t work nor does zooming to try to find it

Is there anything I can do to force it to appear? Also would it be possible to set a sensible default location in case the lat/lon of uploaded data is incorrect?

The offending page is here (do I need to make this asset public?)


Hi nmcc,

Welcome to the Cesium community.

Asset 2747066 is a pre-tiled tileset. It has a root transform set that moves the data way from the origin but does not appear to correctly position it on the earth’s surface. Because the data is not set at the origin Cesium ion thinks that the data is already georeferenced and show the globe. This ends up messing up zooming and panning because the camera goes inside of the globe which CesiumJS does not expect.

This is something that Cesium ion would like to improve on in the future. But there are currently two ways to work around this issue:

  1. Set the root.transform property to the identity matrix: [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1] and re-upload the data. ion will not display the globe and you can interact with the new asset normally.

  2. Go to the tileset location editor for the existing asset. Type a location in the geocoder. This will adjust the camera to a view outside of the globe. You can now use the Click position button and click a location on the surface to bring your asset to the surface of the globe. You should now be able to adjust the tilest as normal.

Please let us know if this helps you.

Nice one thanks mdc9001. I used the second and it located on the globe (albeit oriented vertically - I need to check my tiling!)

Then I repeated with a laz file that was not pretiled and it worked directly out of the box!

Thanks for your help

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