Tiling process stuck

Uploaded a tileset from Reality Capture yesterday,
tiling stuck on 11%.
ID: 1425277
Is this normal?

Hi Eytan

Normally all conversion jobs can run for a maximum for 24 hours. If the processing fails to complete, we’ll get an error log and will be able to look into it further.

We’ll keep an eye on this as progresses.


it’s been more than 24 hrs, and it’s still 11%…

Got this message, 2 days ago…

Something went wrong with this asset. To report this issue, please email support@cesium.com with the asset ID: 1425277.

To help resolve this faster, include any relevant information about your data, such as what software you used to export it.

Exported from Reality Capture, 40M polygons, 15 8k texture images…

Please advice

Tried again directly from Reality Capture, also stuck on %11
Why is this?? please help