UE5.1 CesiumV2.4.0 Local terrain error reported

Only 5.1 will have this problem,
LogCesium: Warning: [2024-11-25 16:22:27.764] [warning] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:435] Tile has a bounding volume that does not include all of its content, so culling and raster overlays may be incorrect: upsampled L1-X0-Y1

This is my local map service with source and elevation, but only in version 5.1 has been reporting errors

Hi @a5198945741,

I’m not sure what’s going on, but it will be difficult for us to debug because you’re on an older version of Unreal Engine and Cesium for Unreal.

I recommend upgrading to the latest version of Cesium for Unreal and seeing if the issue still persists. If it does, then definitely let us know and we’ll be better equipped to help you. Thanks!

UE5.0 Cesium Version default is 1.30.1 ,No problem。
UE5.1 Cesium Version default is 2.4.0 ,Existing problem。
UE5.2+ Existing problem。