Unable to descend to the ground when using Dynamic Pawn for free flight in the scene

Hello guys.
I’m having a problem trying Cesium for Unreal.I hope I can get some help with it.
I added Cesium World Terrain + Bing Maps Aerial imagery to the scene via Quick Add and also added Dynamic Pawn.
Then packaged and released the project.
When I run the project the terrain and imagery renders correctly, but when I fly freely in the scene I find that in some areas I can descend to the ground and in some areas I can only stay in the air.
What I would like is to be able to descend to the ground without any problems regardless of the area.

Hi @undeadzombie, welcome to the community!

The usual cause of this kind of behavior is that you haven’t turned off “Enable World Bounds Checks” in your World Settings, so Unreal is trying to bring your Pawn back toward the origin. See step 3.2 in the Quickstart tutorial:

I will try.
Thanks, it worked.