Using spline in Google photorealistic 3D Tiles limitation

Hello. Using cesium for unreal and Google photorealistic 3D Tiles, I go to a specific location in world and start to create roads with landscape/spline menu. But after drawing some limited number of splines (I draw this limited splines absolutely right and without any problem), No matter how hard I try, I cannot draw more splines. It seems there is a limitation in adding splines to Google photorealistic 3D Tiles? Is it right or there is another problem? The road which I want to create it is about 105 kilometers and has a lot of horizontal and vertical curves. Thus I need so many splines to draw my target road and probable limitation in adding splines, causes It takes a long time to create my favorite road . Would you mind helping me how to tackle this issue?
Best regards

Hi @Reza_Civil,
I haven’t used the Landscape / spline system much myself, but I’m not aware of anything particular to Cesium3DTileset or Google Photorealistic 3D Tiles that would artificially limit the number of splines you can use. Is it perhaps a more general Unreal Engine limitation?

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Hi @Kevin_Ring ,
First of all thank you for responding. When I open project1 and start to draw splines, after drawing some splines, I’m not able to draw more splines. But just at this moment when I open new project, I can draw new splines (again with limited numbers). Of course consider that when I draw splines in unreal engine and in an empty landscape without using Cesium plugin, there is no limitation in using splines! I experience this limitation in using splines just in Cesium for unreal plugin!

Ok, I don’t know what would cause that, but I can investigate. Can you walk me through how to reproduce the problem step-by-step? I know that sounds like a silly question, but I have never drawn splines in Unreal Engine (other than perhaps using a Cesium for Unreal Cartographic Polygon), so I don’t know how it’s done. If you can start with the Cesium for Unreal Samples project, that would be ideal.

OK. First of all using Cesium for unreal plugin in Unreal Engine, I choose Google photorealistic 3D Tiles. Then I insert my target location coordinates in CesiumGeoreference. After this I select landscape mode, Manage, Splines. Now I press mouse left Button +CTRL to locate my splines control points. Finally my desired spline is drawn between control points. Following screenshots may shows the steps better.

I tried to reproduce this, but I may be missing something. Initially, the Splines option on the Landscape panel was greyed out. I had to create a new Landscape first, which I did with default parameters. I was then able to click out roads until my clicking finger got tired, and it still seemed to be working fine.

But of course I was clicking out a spline on a separate Lanscape, not on Google Photorealistic 3D Tiles. A Cesium3DTileset isn’t a Lanscape, so I’m not sure how this panel has anything do with Google Photorealistc 3D Tiles (or any other tileset). What am I missing?