What are the current features of Cesium for Unreal?

What functions do Cesium for Unreal have finished?

  1. Different coordinate transform
  2. Add ion data, include world terrain, maps, photogrammetry
  3. Add local data, the same as ion data’s type
  4. Place something in the world
  5. Simulate plane flying

What else except Geospatial position?What’s the Cesium’s future? What’s the GIS’s future compare with game engine, like UnealEngine?

Here is a webpage states version’s features of Cesium for Unreal in detail i have found, you will see :

or i show you below :
Cesium for Unreal v1.0.0
1.0.0 - 2021-03-30
The initial version has the following features:

  • High-accuracy, global-scale WGS84 globe for visualization of real-world 3D content
  • 3D Tiles runtime engine to stream massive 3D geospatial datasets, such as terrain, imagery, 3D cities, and photogrammetry
    • Streaming from the cloud, a private network, or the local machine.
    • Level-of-detail selection
    • Caching
    • Multithreaded loading
    • Batched 3D Model (B3DM) content, including the B3DM content inside Composite (CMPT) tiles
    • quantized-mesh terrain loading and rendering
    • Bing Maps and Tile Map Service (TMS) raster overlays draped on terrain
  • Integrated with Cesium ion for instant access to cloud based global 3D content.
  • Integrated with Unreal Engine Editor, Actors and Components, Blueprints, Landscaping and Foliage, Sublevels, and Sequencer.

All Cesium for Unreal changes are tracked in the Changelog. You can also track the project board.