What Open Source data should we curate?

As we continue to increase access to 3D geospatial data that enables everyone to build immersive experiences with some pretty amazing datasets. Over the past year, we have added global bathymetry, 3D buildings and terrain over Japan, and of course the Moon.

This begs the question, where should we go next? I wanted to ask if there are any open datasets you would like to see Cesium curate and/or any partnerships with commercial data providers you would like to see next?


The Norwegian Mapping Authority has some detailed data that is open and free. It would be nice to be able to use the terrain models and depth data from them in an easy way. Norway is a small country, but the data is available in a relatively easy way. And who wouldn’t like to visualize the fjords in a detailed way? :slight_smile:

More info here: APIs and data | Kartverket.no. Some of the links on that page is to pages that are in Norwegian only, but I hope you are OK with using Google translate or similar.

@Eirik thanks for sharing. Norway definitely has some amazing topography and excited to explore this data further. Hopefully google translate can keep up :wink:

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I would love to see more accurate DEM. I’m kind of surprised how widely inaccurate it is in my country. And that is middle of Europe. N50 E22 . CWT has an offset that is like +35m , and that makes it impossible to visualize any external assets that are georeferenced , like City GML models and so on.
Polish National Geoportal has 1m DEM for a whole country, it is free to any use , and it is in English so you can siphon the data from there.

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