why is my glTF semi-transparent?

I made my building model in SketchUp and convert it to glTF through the online convertor in the website.
However, the walls of my building became semi-transparent. The wall is made by texture.
I hope I can find the answer here.

This may be a bug in the converter. Can you share the model with us so we can debug it? Feel free to send it to me privately (matt.amato@gmail.com) if you can’t share it publicly.


пʼятниця, 29 травня 2015 р. 15:57:21 UTC+3 користувач Matthew Amato написав:

This may be a bug in the converter. Can you share the model with us so we can debug it? Feel free to send it to me privately (matt....@gmail.com) if you can’t share it publicly.

Hi. I have the same problem.
I am attaching the file for inspection.
Good luck.

box.zip (238 KB)

This is my model.


building.zip (1.47 MB)

this is my building model. Some of its wall are semi-transparent when loaded in Cesium.

thanks for helping.

building.zip (1.47 MB)

Thanks, for the test models. I think this may be related to an issue in the open source converter, see this issue (now closed) and it’s related linked issue: https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF/issues/342 I’m not 100% that’s the problem, but it might provide some insight. We don’t have any kind of ETA for a fix. I’ll try and remember to update this issue when a fix is available.