How to add BIM data on cesium map and How to convert BIM data to 3D tiles?
What format is your data in? You should be able to just drag your data into ion on the add asset page (
You can read more about accepted formats here:
Once you upload it on ion it will be automatically converted to 3D Tiles and you’ll get a link for a code example on how to display it in CesiumJS! Let me know if it works.
Thanks for your Reply.
The formats that I want to use is IFC, DWG, RVZ. Can we convert these formats into 3D tiles??
We definitely plan on supporting those formats longer term, but currently only support OBJ and DAE models. I wrote up several issues in our Cesium ion community repository so that we cover these in the future: We’ll also reply to this post when support is available.
Supporting geo-referenced OBJ or FBX files on Cesium Ion would be a good start to supporting BIM data. As a lot of CAD software can also export 3D models in OBJ, etc.
Just a thought.
Is there any other ways to load BIM data in Cesium? How about cesium On-premise?
Hi @abstractAshwath,
Thank you for reaching out with your question. Can you please tell me more about your use case?
For the vast majority of developers, Cesium ion can be used as a platform for their data. As you can see in our Tiler Data Formats Guide, Cesium ion does support BIM. On-premise is also a solution, but it is generally recommended for more specific use cases. I am looking forward to learning more.
i have some problem when i convert revit or navis to FBX… the Attribute are not carrry. do you have any solution?