Good afternoon everybody!!I’m currently using Cesium a lot.
I can read 3DTiles from Cesium Ion and display them on the Unreal engine.
So, is there a setting somewhere that enables physical detection of the displayed 3DTiles?
I’d like to place vegetation on top of the 3DTiles using the Unreal engine’s foliage function.
Hi @renki_yamakawa, welcome to the community!
Just to clarify, are you trying to paint foliage on top of the 3D Tiles? If so, we have a tutorial for this here!
It’s a bit outdated, since it was written back when we were on Unreal Engine 4. But hopefully the principles still apply.
Let us know how it goes!
Thanks for your answer, Janie!
I’m trying that tutorial. But it’s not working.
I think this tutorial uses 3DTiles from Cesium ion’s Asset Depot.
Is it possible to use 3DTiles uploaded from My Assets to place 3DTiles in unreal engine and then place vegetation on top of them?
Hello. I’ll tell you my current situation.
I actually want to use the 3DTiles I loaded from My Assets, but I’m trying it with Cesium World Terrain as per the tutorial.
As you can see in the image, I’m trying to add vegetation to the foliage tool and paint it.
However, even if I click on Cesium World Terrain, I can’t place the foliage.
Do I need to change the detailed settings or something?
Hi @renki_yamakawa,
I’m so sorry about the delayed response. I’m not familiar with the details of foliage painting, but this is something our team needs to investigate more deeply.
I’ve opened an issue on Github for us to take a closer look when we get the chance. You can track the issue below, but we’ll make sure to post here on the forum when we have updates.
Thank you, janine.
This is a problem I want to solve very urgently.Specifically sometime in December.
If you know the cause, I would appreciate it if you could let me know.
I will investigate further and try it.
Hi @renki_yamakawa,
I tested on my side and it turns out the Foliage Tool does indeed work. I tested foliage painting on both a regular Unreal mesh, and Cesium World Terrain. It is able to place foliage on both.
Can you double-check that you have Create Physics Meshes enabled on your tileset? I also notice that you have both Cesium World Terrain and Google Photorealistic 3D Tiles in your level. I recommend only using one, because otherwise the two datasets will conflict with each other.