I’m utilizing Cesium within Unreal, and it was working just a few minutes ago. Now I’m getting this error:
LogCesium: Error: [2024-11-11 14:13:16.832] [error] [ErrorList.h:72] Errors when loading tileset:
- Received status code 404 for tile content https://tile.googleapis.com/v1/3dtiles/root.json?key=AIzaSyDrSNqujmAmhhZtenz6MEofEuITd3z0JM0
A window pops up for Token Troubleshooting, but all the checks come back green and showing everything is connected correctly.
This error pops up every time I save. I’ve tried relaunching the project, changing the token, and re-generating Cesium from scratch. All result in the same error. To note; the other terrain options work.
So, unless I’m missing something, I guess it’s something on Google’s side. Is anyone else experiencing this?